Pediatric Dentist Baby Teeth Extractions in Long Beach

Pediatric Dentist Baby Teeth Extractions 

Do not avoid baby teeth extractions when your dentist deems them
necessary. Baby teeth naturally fall off at a certain age, which is six
years for most children. Sometimes your pediatric dentist must intervene
the save the situation. The most common reasons why your dentist may
recommend baby teeth extraction include:

Tooth decay

Tooth decay is most common in children between 2 and 5 years. If your
child suffers severe decay, your dentist will remove the tooth or teeth
to correct the situation.

A tooth damaged by trauma

Trauma to the mouth such as a fall or an accident can crack or break
your child’s baby teeth. In this case, the tooth may be removed
especially if your dentist determines that there is still a long time
before that tooth is naturally shed.

An over-retained tooth

If a tooth hasn’t fallen off and a permanent tooth has started to
erupt, the over-retained tooth has to be extracted to create space for
the permanent tooth.

Orthodontic extractions

Sometimes it’s necessary for a tooth to be extracted in order to
create space for orthodontic procedures such as braces.

Baby teeth extraction procedure

Extracting baby teeth is mostly a simple procedure.

The pediatric dentist starts with a radiograph (X-ray) to check the
condition of the root and also predict any complications.

Under normal circumstances, local anesthesia is administered.

Sedation may be required if the child has high levels of anxiety or
the procedure is considered advanced.

Your dentist then uses surgical tools to extract the tooth. The tooth
socket is then covered with sterile gauze.

A space maintainer may be used to ensure no teeth shifting


After extraction, the gums will form a protective clot. Ensure your
child does not rinse their mouth for the next 24 hours. Your child
should only eat soft foods for about a week.

Find a pediatric dentist for baby teeth extractions. Call us to learn