white fillings for kids

White Fillings for Kids  & Children in Long Beach

Composite Fillings – White Tooth Fillings for Kids 

Composite fillings are tooth colored and closely match the color of our teeth. They are also used on molars or other chewing surfaces, as long as they’re relatively small. Silver fillings may be recommended in larger areas, but composite can work to restore teeth that have been affected by decay.

Tooth Colored Fillings for Kids Near Me 

A consultation with our dentist can help you determine if tooth-colored fillings are the best option for restoring your teeth. We will take into account the condition of your teeth, location and size of area to be restored as well as how heavy a bite is on these particular areas when suggesting this treatment. With that in mind, you can achieve a healthy looking smile!

Why Choose Us for Tooth Colored Fillings for Your Kid

We are committed to providing you and your family with the best quality dentistry and patient care. We strive to give you better care coupled with more flexibility and convenience.

We provide you with state-of-the-art tooth-colored fillings treatment. 

Contact Us Today!

For more information on white fillings and when to get them, call us today.