first dental visit

Your Baby’s First Dental Visit in Long Beach

Your baby is constantly hitting new milestones, and his or her first dental visit is yet another one to include in your baby book!

Your child’s first dental visit should take place after the 1st tooth appears, but no later than their birthday. Why so early? As soon as you have teeth, you can get cavities. Being proactive about your children’s dental health today will help keep them healthy for life (need a dentist? Use our Find-A-Dentist tool to find one close by).

What To Expect During the Visit 

The dentist will examine your child to make sure their jaw and teeth are developing in the way they should. During the visit, you will be seated in a dental chair with your child on your lap if he or she is unable to—or does not want to—sit in the chair alone. The dentist will check for mouth injuries, cavities or other issues before giving you tips for daily care afterward.

Tips For A Great First Visit 

  • Don’t schedule an appointment during naptime. Instead, pick a time your child is usually well-rested and cooperative. 
  • Make sure your child has had a light meal and brushes their teeth before their appointment so they won’t be hungry during their visit. 
  • Save snacks for after the visit so they aren’t on your child’s teeth during the exam. 
  • Think of the appointment as a happy and fun experience. If your child becomes upset during the visit, work with your dentist to calm your child. You’re on the same team!

Pediatric Dentist Near Me – Contact Us Today

Contact our office today to schedule your child’s first dental visit!